mind expanding nonsense

Looking Ahead

It is sure hard to look ahead sometimes, and not get the sense that everything is turning to shit.  Europe is going to hell in a hand-out basket.  China’s explosive growth is slowing way down, and now, so is the American consumer.  [I love/loath that term; sounds like the American public are little more than huge vacuum cleaners sucking up everything that’s put in front of them.  Mindless, voracious beings, eating constantly but never satisfied.] [Boy, I could go on about that one, kinda like a tragic Greek God who forsook immortality to fornicate with Earth women (dumb shit; I’ve even tried fornicating with a few Earth women, and let me tell ya, they’re not worth loosing your immortality over).  Could be an epic tale about chasing tail].

Anyway, back to looking ahead, or is it looking at heads like the guy in my drawing.  Pretty trippy don’t cha think?  No Ink!  Breaking new ground here.  Plus, pink and purple are not my favorite colors or color combo.  So I think I’d prefer looking at heads than looking ahead.  Too scary.   And it’s hard to predict what may actually happen.

I sure wish I had the ability to look ahead and know what’s gonna happen.  I’d be buying winning Lotto tickets hands over fist, then investing the proceeds in the next Apple or Microsoft stock.   Sadly, I’m usually wrong when it comes to prophesying, especially prophecies that deal with the future.  I don’t like gambling either.  It’s like placing a bet on when Jesus will return.  A real long-shot if ya ask me.  I think the odds favor me on when He’s NOT coming back  (in a moment and a twinkling of an eye notwithstanding).

The guy in the second drawing is looking ahead, but he’s armed with a sword.  I wonder if the second Amendment covers swords?  I don’t think so.  There’s no National Sword Association like the NRA for guns.  Swordsmen don’t have as big a lobby as riflemen I guess.

I’d like to look ahead and see good stuff.  Like when I plant a row of green beans and imagine myself feasting on tender, fresh picked pods of luscious home grown organic goodness.  Yum.  Better make sure I don’t put the seeds in upside down.

Comments on: "Looking Ahead" (17)

  1. Microsoft has its first loss…EVER! Apple’s bottom line is not so good right now. And Facebook is a bomb waiting to happen….I would say your lack of investing may have been prophetic in a small way. But when the Zombies start waking up…the sword will be the only answer….so there…LOL

    • Live by the sword, die by the sword, but as you said, excellent for use against Zombies


  2. I think knowing the future would be a bad deal. The sadness would be excruciating. It’s better not to know. It’s better to just try to make the best of each day. I’m tired today and so waxing eloquent or not, but a certain tinge of melancholia with a dash of thoughtfulness inspires me to grandiose statements. It must be Friday. Ahh, it is.

    • You were waxing eloquence.  I, however, am waning eloquence.  Nice wax job:)


  3. This post has led me to adopt a new philosophy of life: “Live in the moment. And plant the seeds right side up.”

  4. they don’t have bigger loby but they sure have a scabbard that’s enormous 😉

  5. Thank you so much for the smile, Hansi! Cheers on a Saturday! Love & light to you!

  6. LOL! Funny, as always.

  7. just never look behind…. something maybe gaining on you.

  8. You are quite the philosopher and obvious choices to testify to Congress on behalf of sword owners everywhere.

  9. Lott’sa stuff here! So let me just say, love the drawings. Keep experimenting!

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