mind expanding nonsense

Where I’m At

Maybe it’s just me, but it sure seems like we live in a constant state of fear.  That’s pretty scary.  And the thing about fear is it’s not usually the present moment we are fearful of, but rather something in the future that we worry might happen.  We might experience fear in the present moment, but not necessarily the scary shit waiting out there to happen.  It’s not a head-trip I want to experience anymore.

What really IS happening for me is being active and doing a lot of gardening.  My lettuce plants aren’t  fearful.  But they do get a little up-tight if aphids or cutworms stop by.   Gardening, growing your own food, is really a trip.  So much so that I’m gonna do a post on it.  It’ll be called, and what else?… “Grow Your Own”.

Comments on: "Where I’m At" (25)

  1. I look forward to the gardening post. I juice also and would really love to have a garden. Some things, we simply should have to buy.

  2. Snoring Dog Studio said:

    I love the new and improved you, Hansi! I liked the old one as well, but you’re on to something here. I don’t want to live through fear, either.

    • Thanks.  yeah we really don’t need to be fearful, but maybe selective as to what we allow to occupy our minds.


  3. Lettuce all fear Hansi’s new garden post.

  4. The far right thrives on fear, it’s what they use to juice up their crazy followers. There is quite a bit to fear, but heck, that’s always been the case, so it doesn’t pay to waste much time on it. Least that’s the way I see it.

    We are hoping to return to gardening when we get to New Mexico. I’ll be interested in what we might be able to grow there. I assume squash and tomatoes and so forth, with the cole crops maybe before it gets too hot. But I have no idea what soil issues we may find. Since yards are mostly sandy dirt? lol…We are looking forward to it. My husband is the gardener, I am the cooker. works well.

    • Sounds like you and the Contrarian are a dynamic duo.  That’s pretty much how it works with the Wife and I. Re: New Mexico:  compost, compost, compost 🙂


  5. Followed up by the sequel “Roll Your Own?”

  6. I keep dabbling in gardening without a lot of success. I think I have finally discovered the trick though – manure and plenty of it. Especially the kind that is mixed in with grass feeds at horse stables.

    I have a friend who know someone with these accommodations. I just need to get motivated to get over there and start shoveling.

    • I usually don’t look forward to shoveling shit either, that’s why I only work part-time. :)  Stables are an organic gardeners gold mine.  May want to consider composting the mix before adding it to your garden.


  7. Yay, down with the fear mongers! I’m batting for you, Hansi.

  8. Is that a tu-tu or a kilt?

  9. On my twice-weekly journey to lawn bowling, I pass a poultry farm where a sign boosts “free pigeon manure.” You’ve gone by it, Hansi, if you drive around the lake and through the avocado gap to the “world’s safest beach.” They raise squab… edible, delictable pigeons,and last year I stopped to collect six gallons of dig-it-yourself pigeon poop. This stuff was rich and made some fantastic fertizer. The medicinal quality of this free compost enhancer is bound to be legendary.

  10. Do you wear a skirt when you garden?

  11. I haven’t gardened in a long time. I miss my flowers.

    And definitely grow your own. Just say no to schwag. 😉

  12. i’m going to have to get active, not enough saying more active – i’m completely inactive .. thanks … 🙂

  13. The quote, ” If you live without Fear…” couldn’t be more true. I haven’t figured out how to DO that yet, but still, I know it ‘s the path to success, sanity & survival.

    Your hallucinations are very entertaining! 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by.  It’s truly hard to live without fear, but staying in the present moment as much as possibly sure helps.


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